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This Privacy Policy template is provided by Smartjobboard. Please read it carefully and fill with relevant information specific to your company.
Dot take this template as legal advice and we recommend you consult a specialist to obtain legal advice specifically applicable to your business circumstances when preparing your privacy policy.

------------------- eies og drives av
Riksmedia as
5105 Eidsvåg i Åsane
Organisasjonsnummer: 992 040 777

Denne personvernerklæringen forteller hvordan Riksmedia as samler inn og bruker personopplysninger. Målet er å gi deg overordnet informasjon om vår behandling av personopplysninger.

Riksmedia as er behandlingsansvarlig for vår behandling av personopplysninger. Denne erklæringen oppdateres fortløpende.

Ved å bruke nettstedet og ved å godta denne personvernserklæringen, gir du ditt samtykke til innhenting, bruk og deling av dine opplysninger som beskrevet under.

1. Når samler Riksmedia as inn personopplysninger?

Vi behandler i opplysninger som du har gitt til oss for en av disse årsakene:

  • Du har registrert din e-postadresse i vår stillingsvarsling
  • Du har sendt oss en melding via e-post eller sosiale medier
  • Du har bedt om innsyn etter offentlighetsloven
  • Du abonnerer på vårt nyhetsbrev
  • Du har søkt jobb hos oss

Vi behandler opplysninger vi får fra din bruk av våre nettsider, som fra følgende:

  • Informasjonskapsler og lignende teknologier (f.eks. Google analytics)

Vi får også opplysninger indirekte av følgende årsaker:

  • En ansatt har angitt deg som nærmeste pårørende
  • En jobbsøker har angitt deg som referanse  

2. Dine rettigheter

Du kan utøve dine rettigheter ved å sende en e-post til Du har krav på svar uten ugrunnet opphold, og senest innen 30 dager.

Innsyn i egne opplysninger

Du kan be om en kopi av alle opplysninger vi behandler om deg. 

Korrigering av personopplysninger

Du kan be oss rette eller supplere opplysninger som er feilaktige eller misvisende. 

Sletting av personopplysninger

I gitte situasjoner kan du be oss slette opplysninger om deg selv. 

Begrensning av behandling av personopplysninger

I noen situasjoner kan du også be oss begrense behandlingen av opplysninger om deg. 

Protestere mot en behandling av personopplysninger

Dersom vi behandler opplysninger om deg med grunnlag i våre oppgaver eller på bakgrunn av en interesseavveinng, har du rett til å protestere på vår behandling av opplysninger om deg. 


Dersom vi behandler opplysninger om deg med grunnlag i samtykke eller en kontrakt, kan du be oss om å overføre opplysninger om deg til deg eller til annen behandlingsansvarlig. 

Du kan klage på vår behandling av personopplysninger

Vi håper du vil si ifra dersom du mener vi ikke overholder reglene i personopplysningsloven. Ta da først kontakt med oss via e-post.

Du kan også klage over vår behandling av personopplysninger. Dette gjør du til Riksmedia as men klagen vil videresendes til Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet som oppretter et settetilsyn for å behandle saken.

3. Hva registreres når du bruker nettsiden vår?


Informasjonskapsler (cookies) er små tekstfiler som plasseres på din datamaskin når du laster ned en nettside. Datatilsynet bruker informasjonskapsler for at ulike tjenester på nettsiden vår skal fungere. Du kan lese mer om vår bruk av informasjonskapsler i våre bruksvilkår.

Behandlingsgrunnlaget for dette er personvernforordningen artikkel 6 nr. 1 f), som tillater oss å behandle opplysninger som er nødvendig for å vareta en berettiget interesse som veier tyngre enn hensynet til den enkeltes personvern. Den berettigede interessen er å få tjenester på nettsiden til å fungere.

Lagring av opplysninger og behandling av opplysninger fra cookies er ikke tillatt med mindre brukeren av nettsiden både har blitt informert om og har gitt sitt samtykke til behandlingen. Brukeren skal få vite om og godkjenne hvilke opplysninger som behandles, hva formålet med behandlingen er og hvem som behandler opplysningene, jf. ekomloven § 2-7b. Dette gjøres i brukerens nettleser.

[Insert Company Name] may use your Personal Information to:

  • Create and manage your account when you register, use or purchase our service;
  • Verify your identity and accessibility to our service;
  • Provide you with technical and customer support;
  • Communicate with you and manage your service participation;
  • Evaluate and improve the quality of our products, services and websites;
  • Provide you with a customized experience when you visit our website;
  • Provide our service;
  • Enforce our legal rights or comply with legal requirements; and
  • [add any other if relevant - how your Website and other agencies use Personal Information].

[Insert Company Name] may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other services. {delete if not applicable}

We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those that are set out in this Privacy Policy.

3. What legal basis do we rely on to process your Personal Information?


When you receive our promotional material or when you link your [Insert Company Name] account to your Social Network account, you consent that your Personal Information will be processed by us and we rely on this consent. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time.  We will stop to process data after consent is withdrawn, where consent is the only legal basis for processing.

When you fulfill a contract

[Insert Company Name] will also process your Personal Information when we need to fulfill a contract with you.

Legitimate Interest

[Insert Company Name] also processes your data when it is in our legitimate interests to do this and when these interests are not overridden by your data protection rights.

Our legitimate interests include:

  • ensuring the security and integrity of our Services and in ensuring that our Websites and Apps operate effectively;
  • selling and supplying goods and services to our customers;
  • protecting customers, employees and other individuals and maintaining their safety, health and welfare;
  • promoting, marketing and advertising our products and services;
  • sending promotional communications which are relevant and tailored to individual customers;
  • understanding our customers’ behavior, activities, preferences, and needs;
  • improving existing products and services and developing new products and services;
  • handling customer contacts, queries, complaints or disputes; and
  • fulfilling our duties to our customers, colleagues, shareholders and other stakeholders.

The processing is necessary because of a legal obligation that applies:

[Insert Company Name] may process your data to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations such as preventing, investigating and detecting crime, fraud or anti-social behavior and prosecuting offenders, including working with law enforcement agencies. Your data may be processed in order to satisfy the applicable law or enforceable governmental request.

4. Your Rights

Whenever you use our services, we strive to provide you with access to your personal information that we process. Moreover, you can update it if they are not correct or to delete it or removed from our system – unless we are obliged to keep that information for legitimate business or legal purposes.

Moreover, you have additional rights such as to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain ways, to obtain a copy of your personal information in a commonly used electronic forms, to object to certain processing of your personal information by us including to opt out of any marketing communications that we may send you and to ask for your data to be made portable.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us using the contact details set out below. For the protection of your privacy and security, our DPO/Compliance team shall take every reasonable step to ensure that your identity is verified before granting access, or rectification, or deletion.

5. Accessing and deleting your Personal Information

When you create an account and log-in to your 'My Account' area, it is protected by your password and may only be accessed by you. You can manage the content and information in your Account at any time, by logging in to your “My Account” area. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share this password with anyone.

Please note that [Insert Company Name] reserves the right to remove from our database, Information which includes any content that we consider to be illegal or offensive. We will respect the choices you make to limit sharing or visibility settings in your “My Account”.

You can deactivate or delete your account at any time, make your profile anonymous or choose to not make your profile searchable. To deactivate, please go to your “My Account”.

However, if you would like to permanently delete your account, you can send an email to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) (see below) with the subject line “Permanently delete my information and account”. Please do not forget to tell us who you are.

6. Who do we share your Personal Information with?

We do not share personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of [Insert Company Name] unless one of the following requirements is met:
• With your consent - We will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of [Insert Company Name] only if we have your consent to do so.

  • For external processing – We will provide personal information to our sub-processors based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate security measures.
  • For legal reasons - We will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of [Insert Company Name] if we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to: 

[Insert Company Name] may share your Personal Information with:

Hosting providers, analytic platforms, email service providers:

Smartjobboard - job board software platform
Mailchimp - email service provider

[List additional agencies and third parties your Website shared Personal Information with]

7. Storage of Information and International Transfers

All Personal Information which you supply to us is generally stored and kept on our secure servers inside the European Economic Area.

However, due to the nature of our global business and the technologies required, your Personal Information may be transferred to our approved third party service providers, subcontractors and partners outside the EEA, in countries where there may be a lower legal level of data protection. In such situations, we have put in place technical and security measures to prevent the loss or unauthorized access of your personal information including transfer the minimum amount of data necessary, anonymise it where possible and enter legal contracts to aim to ensure these third parties handle your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the European levels of data protection. However, whilst we have used our best efforts to ensure the security of your information, please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted over the Internet.

8. Managing your Personal Information

We retain your information as long as your account is active or as needed to provide your services or we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so. We also retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements. We store your information as long as is necessary for the purpose for which we have collected it. When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymize it or, if it is possible (e.g. your personal information is stored for backup archives) then will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until the deletion/erasure is possible.

9. How we protect your personal information

[Insert Company Name] has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data from misuse, unauthorized or unlawful access, alteration, loss, damage or destruction. These measures include:

Physical safeguards with locked doors and file cabinets and controlled access to our facilities and secure destruction.

Technology safeguards like use of anti-virus and protection software, data encryption and monitoring of our systems and data centers so to comply with our Information security policy including periodically review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures;

Organisational safeguards like awareness and training on security and privacy to make sure employees understand the importance and measures to protect your data.

10. Third Party Links and Services

 The Services may contain links to third-party websites, applications and services, including social media services, as well as embedded images or other third-party content and features. Your use of these features may result in the collection, processing or sharing of information about you, depending on the feature. We are not responsible for the content, features, security or practices of any third parties. We do not vet, endorse, or make any representations about third parties or their websites, applications or services. The information you choose to provide to or that is collected by these third parties is not covered by our Privacy Policy.

11. Children and minors 

[Insert Company Name]’s site is not directed to, nor we do knowingly collect information from,  children under the age of eighteen (18).

12. Contact Us 

If you have any requests, questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please

Write to us:

[Insert Company Name]

[Insert Company’s full address]

If you are located in European Economic area, please {delete if not applicable}

Write to us:

[Insert Company Name]

[Insert Company’s full address]

13. Changes to this Policy

We may update or amend our Privacy Policy from time to time to comply with the law or to meet our changing business requirements. Please review the changes carefully. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make. By continuing to access the Website and using the Services, your access and use will be subject to those updates and amendments.